Channel: Vintage Gay Media History

Finding Thanksgiving in 2016


Uncertain times remind us to look to the past in order to see what the future might bring.  Good or bad that the future may be in America, Novembers past remind us of where our roots are and how far we have come.  Blessings and love to all.

Paper Magazines are an interesting media format that we love here at VGMH because they represent such an important part of contemporary gay history.  Despite promises that they would disappear, pulp magazines continue to be sold in book stores, supermarkets, major retail stores at the checkouts, and of course in specialty stores (as in adult versions).   Vintage copies in good condition command large amounts of money compared to what they originally sold for.  And unlike their electronic modern cousins, good old-fashioned paper publications do not require a battery or plug-in source to view.  

By definition, "magazines" are printed publicationsissuedperiodically,usuallyboundinawaxed papercovers designed to attract attention of potential buyers,typicallycontainingessays,stories, photographs, or drawings along with advertising.  Some magazines are geared to a large audience while many specializeinaparticularsubjectorarea,such asgender, hobbies,news, gossip, orfitness and sports.  Their paper pages are fragile yet strong enough to withstand the test of time and countless fingers thumbing through them.   Here we show our appreciation to previous issues of timeless magazines from Novembers gone by.  


This November 1957 issue of Popular Mechanics (below) is one of my all-time favorites. In addition to a nifty story about how to build your very own backyard ice rink, there's a great story inside about Walt Disney's Disneyland.

The article is written reflecting the type of reader of this nuts and bolts magazine--men interested in how things work---and wowweee does it ever deliver!  Once upon a time there was an attraction at Disneyland called the Rainbow Cavern Mine Train.  This article illustrates how they made the paint pots percolate as trains passed by.  The story also describes drive belts for hippos, five-horse-power electric motors for alligators, and even tells a secret--a toot from the train whistle tripped sound-actuated switches that turned on the spinning rocks!  Very modern!
And if that wasn't enough, there was also a pattern to make your own Happy Hunter Pipe Rack!  The time spent in the basement or garage making this pipe rack could also offer an excellent excuse to have some 'male personal enjoyment' time with maybe a few special magazines carefully tucked away. 
Of course with the kick-off for the holiday season circa 1957, Kodak offered their new Pony II camera.  Hmmm..wonder who (or what) he is taking a photo of?
  And the new 1958 cars!
It was also a time when straight men could indulge in socially-naughty sexual delights with issues like this November 1957 Playboy magazine...while the nudity in Playboy was frowned upon by the conservative-minded moralists, interestingly, the male viewers of the magazine were seldom criticized for enjoying to look at women purely for their sexual pleasure (and implied desire to fuck them if given the chance).    And while on that subject, did people really believe that men only looked at the big boobs and crotch fur gals without masturbating a few dozen times?  Straight men were usually given a free pass because after all...boys will be boys...

...and sadly these decades were also a time when gay men were largely invisible to much of mainstream society and their sexual pleasures were forced to be disguised behind topics like fitness, such as this November issue of Demi Gods.
An order form would arrive in the mail after the first correspondence.  Men in posing pouches were the norm.  But even in the 1950s there were some daring specialty publications.  Although this was risky and usually illegal if caught.  A safeguard was to try and wrap the nudity around a theme such as nudists or exercise.  Below we have a 1950s football player with both a facial expression and boner that both look very serious.  Yes, it's nice to appreciate nude males, in a purely clothing-free non-sexual way, of course.
Things changed down the road a few decades later with mainstream Playgirl and VIVA magazines, when a selection of gents were offered monthly for the explicit purpose of being viewed as sex objects (albeit officially for women to ogle over).  Here's some nice vintage November issue covers:

Viva, November 1973
By November 1980, gents could give thanks for magazine covers like this Honcho (below) which celebrated the sexual beauty of the human male for the intended viewing pleasures of other men.


November 1988


If you turned to page 44 of this Playgirl issue, there you would find their Man for November Doug Chapman, looking very sexy.  There was also a story about Johnny Depp, an interview with Steven Bauer, and a naughty photo set called Flesh for Fantasy on page 74.  But for many men (and a few women) it was this sportsman in his tight blue jeans who made the biggest splash that month.

December 1980


First off, the December 1980 issue may have been packed with important info and features, like a story about What Men Fantasize About Sex, however it's also noteworthy in that back in 1980 it was an actual 'December Christmas' issue (something that would go away over time to save costs as it melded into a 'Man of the Year Dec/Jan issue).  And who could have imagined back then that Robert Redford would maintain his star power all the way into 2016? However,the big news wasn't the centerfold (which is maybe why the photo shoot seemed a little lackluster)....the main event for December was a nude photo spread of NFL quarterback Dan Pastorini.  "Football's Superstar Shows Why He's Sought After Off The Field, Too"who showed skin and pushed copies off the magazine racks across the country.  Interestingly enough, many straight male football fans bought the magazine to add to their collections. 
Born into a family that owned an Italian restaurant, Dan excelled in high school in both football and baseball and was drafted in 1968 by the New York Mets who saw him as a potential shortstop. Pastorini, however, chose to go to college, moving to the University of Santa Clara, south of San Francisco Bay. He was the Houston Oilers #1 choice in the 1971 draft. After quarterbacking for the Oilers, the 6'3" Pastorini then moved on to the Oakland Raiders, the L.A. Rams, and the Philadelphia Eagles. During these years he developed a reputation for high living; sports cars, parties, cigars,and of course beautiful women. In 1972 he married British pin-up actress, June Wilkinson. Pastorini was known as a tough quarterback throughout his career. From 1971 through 1979, Pastorini missed only five regular season games, playing through the pain of broken ribs and even a punctured lung at times. He was the first player to wear the now ubiquitous "flack jacket" under his uniform to protect broken ribs.

On May 22, 1977, Pastorini was involved in a fatal boating accident during a race on Lake Mizell in Liberty, Texas. Reports said that the boat veered onto the shore and hit a crowd of spectators after its engine failed, causing its automatic steering mechanism to fail. Two people were killed and three people were injured. Pastorini was found innocent of criminal responsibility. Subsequently however, parents of one of the survivors filed a $1.5 million lawsuit against Pastorini. To help pay for an out of court settlement, rumors at the time suggested that the 31 year old football star decided to do the nude photospread in Playgirl magazine's December 1980 issue for the quick cash it offered. True or not, the photos showed a sweaty, post-game Pastorini stripping down to his jockstrap inside a locker room and then removing the jockstrap for a shower. Although no frontal-nudity was actually shown (except for a hint of pubic hair) newsstand sales of Playgirl rose that month. Reports say that Pastorini lives in the Houston area and still indulges in his fondness for Italian food and fast cars.


It gets better (but not always without a fight)

The holidays can be a time of stress and anxiety, just as much as they can bring happiness and peace.  Suicide rates go up.  It's probably a good time to remember that in 1985, a famous handsome football star desperately laid himself 100 feet above the ground atop the cold cement Kensico Dam ledge, asked God to forgive him, and then rolled his body off in an attempt to kill himself.   Why?  The tough offensive lineman for the University of Pittsburgh (1977-1979) felt he couldn't deal with the nightmare that had become his life.

Ryan White
He was living secretly as a gay man in a world where the word "gay" wasn't used---"fag" or "faggot" were the derogatory insults of choice.  And this was the mid-1980's when men were dying like flies from AIDS and many in society said openly that they were happy to get rid of homosexuals.   The same year that he tried to kill himself, 13 year-old Ryan White became a symbol of the intolerance that was inflicted on AIDS victims.  Once it became known that Ryan (a hemophiliac who had contracted the disease from a tainted blood transfusion) school officials banned him from classes and he was subjected to prejudice for just being sick.

Just 12 days before trying to end his life on the dam, Ed had decided he couldn't be untrue to his desires any longer and had his first sexual encounter with another man. Only the joy of waking up next to another guy (who he had met at a gay bar the night before) was overcome by the real-life fear of AIDS and the knowing that he was one of the people that mainstream society loathed.

"I was so scared of dying of AIDS and hurting others, I thought maybe I should just kill myself,"Gallagher recalled later. "I didn't’t want to be gay, I didn't’t want my father knowing, I didn'’t want anyone knowing."

 Only  fate stepped in and this 6' 3" gay sportsman didn't die.
Gallagher survived the fall but discovered that he was left a paraplegic.  He later recalled that before his suicide attempt, Ed had become unable to reconcile the image of himself as a masculine athlete with being gay.  He later admitted that the incident forced him to come to grips with his own sexuality:"I was more emotionally paralyzed then, than I am physically now."  Ed saw it as a second chance at life and he made every moment count. He knew firsthand the stereotypes of gay men as being effeminate and non-competitive.  Ed knew the myth that there are no gay football players in college or pro sports.  And he knew that he was living proof that they were lies---and he said so to everybody who would listen.

Ed made it a point to tell his story and show his pride in who he was as a man.  He focused his efforts on helping kids accept themselves for who they are.  Ed also went on to become a fierce advocate for disabled rights, creating the organization Alive To Thrive.  He eventually died May 2005, after having a life-changing positive impact on thousands of others.  Thank you.

Join the 619,650 people who've taken the 'It Gets Better' Pledge as we move into a world where we really need to love and protect on another.

Give Yourself A Gift!

Being flexible has its advantages when it comes to sex, and that's especially true when it comes to giving yourself a blow job. Ancient Rome was a society of soldiers, macho leaders and everyone else in society, who was viewed as objects to be owned and used.  Their perception of fellatio was was perceived in terms of active and passive: The active person was the guy getting fellatio. In this case we’re talking about the soldier, the virile male. The passive one (usually a woman or a slave was the one giving fellatio or, to understand it more clearly, the one receiving the verile penis. 

Mel Roberts


Mel Roberts was one of the early pioneers of Southern California physique photography. Born in Toledo, Ohio, on August 26, 1923, he was drafted into military service in 1943 and served as a cameraman in the South Pacific for the U.S. Air Force.  Afterwards around 1950, Mel began to study film at the University of Southern California.

In 1953 Mr. Roberts worked on Herbert Biberman's movie Salt of the Earth, a story that focused on Mexican-American miners who were striking against a giant corporation. It became the only motion picture blacklisted in American film history, being produced by a number of film artists tagged/blacklisted for their membership in the Communist Party or other leftist organizations. The film starred actor Will Geer (a blacklisted bisexual actor who decades later played the grandfather on television's family drama The Waltons).

Mel's photography was first published in Young Physique magazine in 1963. Unlike other physique photographers, Roberts only took pictures of men he knew personally.  Everything fell into place: The dreamy Southern California locations, enthusiastic and uninhibited young men ready to pose, and a gifted photographer who understood the beauty of male nudity, all combined into some powerful imagery.  Using Rolleiflex cameras from the 1950's through to the early 1980's, Mel took an estimated 50,000 photographs of around 200 models. Like other pioneers, Roberts had to build his own color lab to develop prints since no lab would process his film because of the content. The transparencies he sent to Eastman Kodak were returned to him with holes punched through the crotches of the models!   Blonde Sean Patrick probably became Mel's most famous model,epitomizing the Southern California lifestyle for thousands of men living all around the world.
Sean Patrick circa 1968

Sexuality in the late 1960's was, by Robert's own accounts, open and fun.   He often had a handful of young men staying at his home and many of them had girlfriends who were also welcome at the house.  Roberts' photographs highlight the experimental openness and uninhibited attitudes of the late 1960's and early 1970's. When not at the beach, many of the photographs in his books, magazines and videos were shot in the house and around the back garden. 
Bobby Kroop circa 1973.
His portraits of young men, between the ages of 18 and 25, were "at the epitome of their development" as he characterized them, and Mel became immediately successful in the U.S. and Europe.  They made Mel one of the most prominent male photographers of the time.  In 1977 the Los Angeles Police Department raided his home and studio and confiscated his cameras, negatives, letters and mailing list. It's reported that the LAPD refused to return Roberts's property, even though no charges were ever filed against him. On August 26, 2007 Mel Roberts pasted away in Los Angeles, California. At the time of his death, he resided in the same home in Bel Air in which he lived in for over 50 years.

Gradually over time, interest in his work grew stronger and today what remains of his collection is considered highly collectible by vintage erotica aficionados who can afford it.  Roberts's photography is now represented in galleries in New York, Los  Angeles, Hollywood, and Palm Springs.  One of the most avid collectors is said to be Sir Elton John, who acquired  almost sixty images for his personal collection.  For the rest of us, the Fotofactory Press published two books of Mr. Roberts’ work, which are currently out of print but available in their original sealed condition: Volume One California Boys: Photographs from the 1960s and 1970s and Volume Two, The Wild Ones.  Fotofactory also still issues Roberts Original Photos Gallery Prints (Printed and Signed by Mel Roberts), and a series of blank greeting cards
Don Anderson, circa 1973

Great gift for you!

Today's gift is this link to a real-life man's very personalweb space.  This is where he shares his sexuality with his devoted followers.  His "in your face" close-up masturbation videos are enjoyed all over the world!  It's amazing how many different looks this sexy guy has to go along with his uncut manhood.  And if you have a special request, he evens does his best to take care of those, too!   As for what VGMH would like to see, what's hotter than a real-life guy standing naked in the bathroom shaving while still sporting his morning erection?  WooF!!    Thanks El Fuego for sharing with all of us. 

Deck the Halls!


Back in 2013, Kmart's latest holiday ad was "Show Your Joe" which featured six male hand-bell players wearing tuxedo jackets on top and only Joe Boxer briefs on the bottom. Instead of ringing bells with their hands, they swivel their hips to shake what's between their legs in order to ring out the tune "Jingle Bells". Which guy's "ringing" do you like best?

Sadly for Sears/Kmart, in the last few years sales have not improved and there's speculation that unless the figures are decent enough, this may be one of their last holiday seasons.

Ho! Ho! Ho! Retro Ads


Santa (above): For a gay blog like VGMH, this ad's just too-darn-easy to come up with lots of snickers and naughty comments about.  Please add your own below.

Merry Christmas to all.


So here we are, not knowing what the future will be and clinging to happy loving memories of our past or present.  Nostalgia is about what we recall.  In times of great change and problems from the past, one item that many of us of a certain age hold dear to are the images created by a movie studio.  To be sure, there's plenty of history with this famous company that has been much less-than gay friendly over the decades, but for many generations of gay men who grew up in a marketing world filled with comic books, movies, cartoons, television programs and theme parks (in far-away places like California and Florida), the name "Disney" often sparks some fond memories of childhood.  And especially in the past few decades the company has been supportive of gay employees and visitors to its theme parks.  Being made to feel welcome and included is important to everybody.

A lot of the Disney magic was (and continues) to be created by talented gay men.  So on this Christmas Eve, it's the magic of the artisans who created a smile and laugh for kids of all ages (and sexualities) that matters most here at VGMH.  Disney gay talent Howard Ashman proved that making magic knows no boundaries or prejudice.  Feeling happy inside and having fun never goes out of style.  There's more about him below.   A sincere and worldwide best wishes to all, from Steve.


Producer, lyricist and openly-gay Howard Ashman made a huge splash in the world of Disney animation in 1989 with "The Little Mermaid," which he co-produced with John Musker.  The song "Under the Sea" (co-written with composer Alan Menken) won an Oscar for Best Song.

Howard's lyrics, as Menken recalled, "would wink at the adults and say something to the kids at exactly the same time." And as demonstrated below, the handsome (and buff) male heroes and villains in these Disney classics have continued a long-standing tradition of being immortalized in cartoon-style smut fantasies.

Perhaps his greatest work was "Beauty and the Beast."  In fact, "Beauty and the Beast," which he executive produced, was the first animated movie ever nominated for an Academy Award for Best Motion Picture, a category typically reserved for live-action films, while its title song won the songwriters yet another Oscar.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, on May 17, 1950, the successful lyricist, librettist, playwright, and director moved to New York and became an editor at Grosset & Dunlap, while writing plays including "Dreamstuff," a musical version of Shakespeare's "The Tempest," which marked the beginning of his association with Off-Off-Broadway WPA Theatre in 1977.

The hunky gents in these films have evoked many artists to pay honor by creating their own (slightly more gay-erotic) versions.  But back to how Howard joined Disney...

Two years past 1977, Howard teamed with Menken for the first time creating a musical version of Kurt Vonnegut's "God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater." They went on to write the musical version of Roger Corman's 1960 cult film "Little Shop of Horrors" and won critical raves and awards including the New York Drama Critics Circle Award for Best Musical of 1982-83. The off-beat show was transformed into a motion picture by Frank Oz in 1986, subsequently winning the musical duo their first Academy Award nominations.

That same year, Howard penned the ballad"Disneyland" for the Broadway production of "Smile," written with Marvin Hamlisch. Soon after he signed a contract with The Walt Disney Company to write lyrics and dialogue for its animated features.  The rest is a wonderful history of great song and memories for several generations.

Howard died following complications from AIDS at the age of 40 in New York City during the making of both Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin. Ashman and Menken had finished the songs for Beauty and the Beast and 11 songs intended for Aladdin, although only three were featured in the finished film ("Arabian Nights", "Friend Like Me", and "Prince Ali"). Tim Rice was brought in to finish the Aladdin songs with Menken. Ashman was posthumously named a Disney Legend in 2001. Beauty and the Beast was dedicated to him, "To our Friend Howard, who gave a mermaid her voice and a beast his soul, we will be forever grateful. Howard Ashman 1950-1991"

In 1994,"Beauty and the Beast" moved to the New York stage, and has since become Broadway's 10th longest-running musical. The production features "Human Again," a chorus number by Howard and Menken that was storyboarded for the animated motion picture, but never completed.  The princely hunk from The Little Mermaid continues to delight boys of all ages.  Please relax, have inner peace, and enjoy this season and good memories from holidays past.


Gifts that are much appreciated

What guy wouldn't like getting the gift of a warm tight hand wrapped around his hard cock shaft, milking him at call?  Of course a great hand-job also involves making serious eye contact as he gives expressions and clues as to where he's at in the process of returning your gift with a thick rope of white glue to make your fingers nice and sticky.

Dick Dene

I really like looking atDick.  In fact, I can look at Dick all day and never get bored.  Today's muscular (and sometimes hairy) Dick comes to us courtesy of the end of the classic "posing strap" era in male smut. 

His full name is Dick Dene, and in the above image from the Male Figure magazine, he's a cowboy looking for something to rope.  I'm not sure those shorts he's wearing would make it as real cowboy work clothes, but I'm not going to tell him that!  Dick's one buff and tough buck-a-roo, and I'm in no mood for getting hog-tied for making fun of his short-shorts.  But wait! As a special treat, the video below is from this same photo shoot, and it shows Dick in his finest tease (the best estimated date I have for this release is 1962).  "Cowboy Wash-Up" was filmed by Bruce of Los Angeles.  Showing total male nudity was illegal  before 1962, so models usually wore the pouches to stay out of jail.
Mr. Dene was an actor and sportsman as well as a model, and with those classic good looks he remains a favorite of VGMH.  I haven't seen the movie myself so I can't confirm it, but he may be a visible extra in the big-budget (1961) western The Comancheros. 
What's especially vintage about the photo below is the narrative...It tells us that Dick grew up in Lebanon, in "the romantic city of Beirut."   I've never heard modern news casts call that violent city "romantic."

Brandon Iron

Brandon Iron is a Canadian actor and director of straight adult erotica. It's reported that he was born in 1968 and stands a firm 5'6" tall. According to his web site,"He completed a degree in English, but quickly learned he preferred adult magazines over literature. After squandering several years in unfulfilling jobs, he pursued his pornographic passion and has no regrets.  His first movie was in 1991, but he did not perform on a full-time basis until 1997. He has worked for dozens of companies, fucked hundreds of girls and has millions of reasons to be thankful for having the best job in the world".  He also developed a loyal gay fan base over the years of guys who enjoy watching him in action with women.  
Brandon's crossover appeal to gay men is easy to understand.  Dressed, Brandon's cute smile and playful eyes are attractive and he exudes his masculinity without effort.  His body type might be described as that of a stocky wrestler.  When naked with a boner, this man is on the raunchy side of vocabulary and isn't at all shy about telling the lady in front of his cock how she's going to get take every inch in every way he commands.

His cock size is not something reported as Brandon's previously described his manhood as rather average, with the fact that it's shaved making it look larger in videos.

1982's College Cock

So many items distinguish vintage printed porn in comparison to modern electronic versions.  Pages were limited in number (especially color ones) and so they made the most of space to deliver sexual pleasures, and often subset pictures were included in the corners. 
Oftentimes as in the case with this magazine, many publications were re-branded previous products or mediums, such a film.  College Cocks magazine features images from a gay porn movie, "The Best Little Warehouse in L.A.".  And the movie reaches even further back into porn recycling protocol, as it basically amounts to branding a series of individual loops around a working theme of blue collar guys.  It works!
The pre-condom 1982 film featured Cliff Austin, Dusty Sands, Ed Michaels, Frank Johns, Giorgio Canali, Lance Whitman, Michael Christopher, Mike Dean, Morgan, Rick Kennedy,and Terry Craig.  While this particular film is probably not in the same league, this was the era of quality erotic movies, and that same year's big straight hits were"I Like toWatch"(starring Mike Horner)and "Society Affairs"(starring sexy Harry Reems)Both of these films were professional with location settings, costumes, scripts, real lighting, cinematography, editing and music. While it's a straight movie, the advertising for Society Affairs gives the male stud top billing (Reems) and features his hairy chest front and center among a field of women. 

Retro Reading Material


Originally published in paperback pulp fiction by companies like Greenleaf Classics, these pulp novels understood the importance of the cover artwork in selling copies.  They were also oftentimes sold via mail orders with discounts for purchases of multiple novels.  And they were just not for the gay market.  In fact, the majority were straight and covered about every sexual taboo imaginable.

Harry Reems (part one)

Born in 1947, Herbert Streicher grew up in a Jewish family and was just a regular nice (kind of shy) boy, sincere with simple traits that Herbert maintained throughout his life.  He attended college at the University of Pittsburgh before dropping out to join the Marines, and after that he decided to become an actor.  

Herb was handsome enough, but it was probably that head of beautiful thick hair and those dense eyebrows that drew attention towards his way at first glance.  When he grew what would become his trademark moustache, it seemed that Harry would always stand out in a crowd.    Smart, easy to talk with and having a fun personality, young Herb got noticed by ladies. “I loved sex,” he said later. “I was very promiscuous. And I loved acting.”
Swarthy Herb began showing off his man-goods in New York's porn business. Young actors typically work numerous jobs to support themselves and this was also the case with Herb. The adult entertainment business has a long history of offering aspiring theatrical talent a way to pay the rent.  In need of some quick cash, Herb began working on sex films, both behind the scenes and as a performer.  It was good pay but it was also risky because everything was on the shady side of the law and there was the constant risk of a police raid.  He would later recall that these were still the 'underground' days of smut when they paid sex actors in cash from a steel box for that day's work on the spot, the fewer questions asked the better.  Herb was also a member of SAG [Screen Actors Guild] and this anonymous arrangement worked well for him and the others working on these sex loops.  Because this was before computers and the Internet, there was the reality that only a small portion of the public would actually ever see these sex tapes.  With that in mind, it was not unusual for young good looking straight actors to take masculine parts in gay loops avoiding showing their faces as much as possible.  To date, no gay loops from the early late 1960s through early 1970s have been confirmed to include Reems under any names.  In his hundreds of sex loops, Harry had followed the time-honored tradition of developing many stag film names for his porn performances, including Peter Long, Dick Hurt, and Dick Hard.  Ironically, it's reported that the stage name he would become identified with for the rest of his life (Harry Reems) was one that he didn't create himself.  

Reems became world-famous for his role in the adult-film classic "Deep Throat," which drew middle class audiences to the theaters nationwide and became a forerunner of today's hardcore adult-entertainment industry. The production of Deep Throat began in Miami, Florida, in January 1972.  Mr. Streicher was originally hired to be part of the lighting crew, but the director was unable to cast one of the stud roles and asked him to play the part. He was paid $100 for one day of work.  Apparently, Streicher was unaware that the director had given him the stage name "Harry Reems" for the flick until he saw the movie credits.   

The 1972 sex comedy was directed by beautician-turned-pornographer Gerard Damiano.  Deep Throat was intended as a spoof of "white-coat" porn films and magazines, a genre that VGMH has already covered (porn presented as a non-erotic scientific study, socially redeeming by the inclusion of medical dialog.  Ironically, Harry had actually performed in some of these "white coat" porn loops in his first days of porn, of which he was now having fun with in Deep Throat!  

It should be noted that Harry 's hairy physique was 'at the right place at the right time' in several important ways in history.  A lot of cultural elements collided to make Harry a star with gay men.  It was the breakout 1970s for gay liberation in major cities with adult theatres.  It was the 1970s breakout for sexuality in mainstream media,  a brief period of upper-middle class interest in explicit pornography, which Ralph Blumenthal of the New York Times called "porno chic."  And Deep Throat displayed the young charismatic Harry at a time when he was able to capitalize on similarities in appearance to athletle Mark Spitz (the Jewish diver owned the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, winning 7 gold medals and getting mega sex-appeal publicity of him in a speedo).  Both handsome, young and hairy men also sported those thick trademark mustaches.

It's reported that in an October 1975 VIVA magazine interview he was asked if "homosexuals offer themselves" to him, to which Reems replied "Yeah. When I was looking for material for my autobiography, I put an ad for "fan mail" in one of the trade papers. Ninety five percent of the mail I got was from gays." 

The film Deep Throat later served as the nickname for a source that helped Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein investigate the Watergate scandal that led to President Richard Nixon's resignation.  In 1976, Reems was convicted of obscenity for his role in the notorius film and faced a potential five-year prison term. There many cruel rape jokes about what would happen to him in prison "Reems gonna get reemed all the time" but fortunately Hollywood came to Reems’ rescue, helping to create a legal defense fund and hiring famed defense attorney Alan Dershowitz to represent him.  Celebrities including Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty came to Reems' defense, and the conviction was overturned.  Still, he did not perform for about 8 years until his big comeback in 1982 (more to come about that).
After years of drug abuse, Reems began his recovery in 1989. He married and converted from Judaism to Christianity. "If I didn't put God in my life, I'd be dead now," he said."I am not religious. I'm spiritual, 100 percent." He continued to identify himself as "Harry Reems," while he worked as a real estate agent. Reems died on March 19, 2013, at the veterans hospital in Salt Lake City from pancreatic cancer. He was 65. Reems was survived by his wife, Jeanne, and his brother. He had no children.

Article 0

Fall ad Winter: The weather gets crisper, the days get shorter, and leaves turn colors. Winter is coming!  There's a lot of talk about climate change these days, and we rely on the old methodology...if it's cold outside, a man's natural bodily instincts will kick-in and protect the family jewels from the harsh elements and offer nonstop desires to stick his "stick" into a warm and welcome opening.

But wait! There's yet one more observation.  For survival, this is the time of year when some wild male animals are busy growing new, thicker body fur to keep warm during the upcoming winter months. Nature knows what's ahead and protects these playful mammals...just consider the Brown Bear, Siberian Tiger, and of course the American Wolf.  Instincts for survival no doubt made men with thick beards and very hairy chests (growing up their necks for visual confirmation) top potential breeders.  These dudes had the sperm to not only fertilize chicks to guarantee their DNA survival, but the bodily protection to survive the harsh weather elements, and the machismo to enjoy some male bonding time.

VGMH sees many hairy wolves living in their daily urban habitat ...walking around (upright) in heavy work boots, driving Jeeps Cherokees, drinking coffee, and drooling at the Best Buy electronics counters. A thick bush of  hair helps to hold on to heat...important in prehistoric times when men wore minimal clothing. Okay, so this is really just a cheesy excuse to show some hairy men...let's have some fun with the season! Judging by the thick fur these men are sprouting, it's going to be a c-c-cc-cold season.

According to the Farmers’ Almanac, this winter will see more days of shivery conditions: a winter during which temperatures will average below normal for about three-quarters of the United States.

A Valentine Just for You!

One of the hottest and most-desirable forms of online erotica these days are oftentimes the private personal web pages of studly gentlemen who know they're sexually attractive and enjoy sharing (some might say showing off) their goods.  It's easy to understand why this would be appealing to straight and gay men alike--especially those alpha-male-types--and anyway, who wouldn't want to receive adoration from people around the world wanting to suck your dick?  Unfortunately, some of these guys restrict viewing access of their web pages to only those who they invite beforehand.  For example, a handsome, married 38 year-old Florida man boasts to have over 1,200 followers (almost all of them women, although sometimes a guy works his way in by pretending to be a female) who he's granted access to view his restricted web pages.  A pic temporarily makes it way onto gay photo sharing sites until it gets demanded to be removed.  In addition to displaying his masturbatory skills in his car and bathroom in his photos and videos, this sexy daddy of three is said to have been offered big-money deals with mainstream porn producers which he's turned down, reportedly because his family comes first in his life.  Luckily, there are other online studs who do  not restrict viewership and  allow anyone who discovers their web pages access to adore their masculine beauty.  

This sexy straight Italian stud allows fans to enjoy!

For Valentine's Day, VGMH is happy to send this linkto a sexy and straight 34 year old nudist Italian stud who shares lots of pics of himself for his fans (men and women) to enjoy.  There's so many great things about this man, it's hard to know where to begin.  He's handsome and has a great natural body.  And those sexy balls on him seem to be not just for playing with by his girlfriends, but also appear to be uber-masculine industrial-strength sperm factories, as his web page boasts '700 milions of sperms a day' and 'I've knocked up six girls ( i'm an inseminator)'.  His photos are high quality and provide great viewing.   This magnificent cocksman has a section on his web pages to ask him questions and leave appreciative notes, and it's recommended that we call encourage him to continue.  If we could ask him one request it would be for some erection photos.

Remembering John Inman


This British sitcom was broadcast between 1972 and 1985. It was set in the men's and women's fashion departments of Grace Brothers, an upscale (fictional) London department store. The idea for the show came from one of the creator's brief stints working at Simpsons of Piccadilly in the early 1950's. Edgy for the early 1970's was that Are you Being Served? featured an obviously gay character.

Played by actor John Inman"Mr. Humphrie"was a regular star of the show.  His catchphrases, very campy mannerisms and sexual double-entendres were a part of every episode. He worked in the men's clothing department and was always ready to measure pants when the male customer was handsome.  It's reported that the BBC, when contemplating making the series, tried at first to insist that Mr Humphries was removed because he was a gay character. Audiences took to him and the rest of the cast, which is why it lasted so long.  However, not all gay men were happy about the role.

Inman once reported that four or five members of the group Campaign for Homosexual Equality picketed one of his shows in protest as they believed his persona did not help their cause. Inman said that "they thought I was over exaggerating the gay character. But I don't think I do."  Others were happy to see a gay man portrayed on national television who was liked by his co-workers, not fired by his employers, and viewed the fact he was on television as a positive statement.

Both Inman and the producers denied that Mr Humphries compounded a stereotype of gay men. In 1976, he was named the BBC TV personality of the year.  In December 2005 Mr. Inman formed a civil partnership with his partner of 33 years, Ron Lynch.  Inman and David Croft (a show creator) stated that the character was "just a mother's boy" and that his sexual orientation was never explicitly stated.

Actress Rula Lenska, who worked with Mr Inman, told the BBC:  "It was suggestive but never in your face or aggressive. It had an innocent quality that you rarely find today." 

Inman continued to play in live shows after his success as Mr. Humphries, and began to incorporate camp mannerisms into those performances too, once saying "Even when I'm not playing Mr Humphries, say at a summer season, I camp it up a bit. If I don't the audience are disappointed.."  Inman went on to star in more than 40 pantomimes, and was often cast as the dame. He used to make his own costumes and write his own jokes. He passed away in 2007.



1976: Lifeguard

This is a wonderful period movie with plenty of beach locations shot in sunny Southern California.  In this standard-smut-plot, a beefy lifeguard (Gordon Grant) takes a break from his job and kicks back to enjoy a girlie magazine.  Two of his beach buddies barge in to catch him masturbating with one hand and pretty soon his dick is put to better use. The two bro's are played by a man with no last name credited (he's just Jim) and hairy chested Duff Paxton.
What makes this movie especially enjoyable are the adventurous gymnastics that these three studs perform in fucking.  Duff proves his flexibility as he eats the ass and then sucks the cock of one buddy, all the time being suspended completely off the ground as he holds onto his pal's muscular legs.  But wait! This is the 1970's and so that's not enough action!  Suspended off the ground by only the strength of his arms, ass-licking and cock-sucking Duff's also getting his butt fucked by his other bromance pal. Talk about earning your pay!

Duff Paxton was said to have been a favorite of many show business celebrities including Jack Wrangler and more than a few top A-list Hollywood male stars.  Duff performed with Wrangler in 1977's Gemini. 



It was their March/April catalog in 1973 and the model showing off that lo rise boxer swim suit is identified as David.  Made of fast drying nylon tricot, for just $7.95 all eyes at the pool or beach were sure to be following the wearer--especially if he's as dreamy as David with that perfect hair and treasure trail!  And what to wear when away from water?  How about the double knit Orlon (a nifty synthetic, acrylic textile fiber that was light weight and wrinkle resistant) jumpsuit, complete with patch pockets and front zipper?  The model in the upper left corner is showing it off nicely.

According to reports, Ah-Men began as a West Hollywood clothing store in the early 1960s.  The flagship store was on Santa Monica Blvd, which we've already explored here for it's rich gay history.  The catalogs became very popular, especially with fashion-conscious gay men.  If you've ever seen one of their catalogs, please share you thoughts with the rest of us!

Spring Shopping!

1976 was a very patriotic year for America and Sears was definitely showing it's stars and stripes.
Over at the Chicago Playboy Club, gents sported fashionable attire to attract the attention of their sexual desires.
The classic night shirt.  Forget about shorts.  No need to worry about a robe opening up with this gems covering up the family jewels.  Simply lift it up for action, or allow someone special to crawl up inside on their knees, making their own man-tent complete with (your) pole.
And if you're going to create that super-cool pad to get laid in, these exotic swag lights would have created the special lighting ambience by which to pop the virgin behind of that cute guy from the copy printing store.
Old school jock straps anybody?  Hank was a Colt model of the era and certainly wears his gear well.

Vintage Spring Retail Catalog Cocksmen

The gent on the left has some nice goods in those briefs, but it looks like his modeling partner on the right doesn't have much to worry about when it comes to which side to wear his junk--where the heck is his junk? No wonder he looks grumpy. 
 An age-old question:  Which is sexier, boxers or briefs? 
The bold colors.  The flared legs.  Quick drying no-ironing knits and prints. 
All-cotton and all-male.

The Healthy Choice

First things first, what the heck is going on with the way he's holding that phone?  He looks happy with the conversation but then he's a model and there's probably nobody on the other end. He's selling those fishnet undies, or rather the knitting pattern for sewing/knitting this underwear up yourself.  Patterns could have been ordered in chest sizes Size: 38, 40 or 42.  The gent below is shaving in his shorts and has an equally nice physique.  The health benefit was because air traveled through.
Another company from Europe (the above Strutt's ad was from England) offering this unique garment was Twilley's.  They offer a noted sportsman in their ad but don't show him in the boxers like the Strutt's ad model does.  These items were promoted for sportsmen between the late 1950s and mid 1960s.  The instructions for sewing reportedly included options for making the cotton pouch which could be adjusted into boxers as well. 

1976: The Destroying Angel


Released in October, 1976

Director Peter DeRome delivers what many consider to be a prime example of how the late-1970's gay urban world moved, in stark contrast to how gently that same decade had begun.

Billed as the first gay porn horror flick, “The Destroying Angel” is as groundbreaking and controversial as it is bizarre. If you agree with the premise of the movie, by the end of the 1970's, drugs were the norm, as were multiple orgasms with many partners in dark environments, and raucous orgies happened where men were treated as nothing more than receptacles for the dicks and semen and piss of more masculine guys. To some, the movie represented the future in a strangely prophetic way, as it prefigures the AIDS epidemic, as sickly Caswell (the main character) languishes and sweats in his room, dying from a mistake made in his lifestyle. To others, it's just a freaky movie filled with ruff sex and weird fantasies/hallucinations.

Taking nearly a year to complete, "The Destroying Angel" has twenty-two scenes which were shot over the course of sixteen days in nineteen locations, including Montauk Point, Christopher Street, and even an 18th-century cemetery. With its high production values and complex storyline, complemented by a cutting-edge for the time electronic score, the film cemented director's De Rome’s reputation as an auteur among pornographers.

PLOT: We meet handsome young seminarian, Caswell, who is wrestling with a deep conflict: he's being torn between the call to his religion and it's values, and to his own repressed sexual desires for sex with other men. During a three month sabbatical from the order, he picks up a callous macho stud at a bar (played by Bill Eld) who he takes home. Eld gives Caswell a brutally animalistic fucking... and Caswell loves every minute of the primal screwing. Reportedly, Bill Eld would later comment that he enjoyed the film's artistic qualities and that he found himself completely engaged in the honest harshness of the sex scene, which was filmed with very low lights. Afterwards, Bill Eld makes no bones about expressing his disappointment with the quality of the sex, and when he leaves Caswell decides to try one of the red-headed mushrooms left behind.

After a single bite, Caswell witnesses a sexual adventure unlike anything he has ever known, and his world opens up to infinite erotic (and dark) possibilities. Taunted by glimpses of his horny alter-ego who gives into desires of the flesh, Caswell is taunted into a world of supernatural sex where men use him (including his alter ego).

This movie's sex is intense, with one of his partners cramming a baseball bat, a courgette and a banana inside of Caswell's butt. Yes, you see the baseball bat (blue) fucking him forcefully, managed by his sex partner. Finally exhausted from being a sex slut, he looks up mushroom lore in a book, and finds out that he has ingested a deadly Amanita mushroom, also known as the "Destroying Angel" because of its extreme and lethal toxicity.

Caswell learns that he is dying, and is sent into the grave by the laughing voice of his double. There's a final scene, with Caswell in black robes masturbating on his own newly filled-in grave.

As you can see, "The Destroying Angel" isn't your usual smut. It's hallucinatory montages and driven narrative create an avant-garde nightmare. Right or wrong, the director clearly wanted to express himself.