There was a time when just Europeans couldn’t get enough beavers. We’re not talking about the Hustler magazine kind of beaver, but rather the furry little critters that live out in the wilderness. Rugged French fur traders and trappers were among the earliest representatives of their homeland in early North America. How early? Consider that during the era from roughly 1660 through 1763, a fierce rivalry grew between France and Great Britain as each power struggled to expand their fur-trading territories in North America. The poor animals didn't stand much of a chance.
The demand in Europe for beaver was huge because the furs gave the wearer protection against the elements as well as a mark of social distinction. The reduction of the beaver population was so large that it actually forced the trappers and traders to push deeper into the interior lands in search of their prey. Some of these men took their families into the woods with them, but this was rough and dangerous living, and the lifestyle made many of them bachelors out of necessity and choice. Thus it made sense for them to work in teams of two men, and accounts from that time suggest that they literally slept together for many obvious reasons, not the least of which would be for mutual warmth and protection.
As we can see in the first frame above, something often happens whenever adult men wind up naked together, and by the look on the face of this handsome bearded hunk, it looks like things were about to get very interesting between these two gents. Of course, throwing a third cock into the complicated world of male sexual dynamics changes things, and that's what seems to be going on here with the arrival of this ripped Native American stud.
Stay tuned for part three to see how this all ends.