We celebrate Valentines Day with one of our favorite artists, Roger Payne. Roger's artwork often crosses an unspoken bridge and captures two conflicting forces which are constantly at odds with modern men living in a restrictive world: Primal instincts pitted against social, financial and gender/sexual classes.
In the fantastic worlds created by Roger, no matter his social standing, uniform that his job requires him to wear, wealth or age, men are internally heart-throbbing, sweating primal beasts looking for sexual enjoyment and fulfillment. And man's instinctive lust and desires will usually manifest themselves when given an opportunity to do so. Or to put it another way, never underestimate the power and majesty of a rock-hard cock to level all social trappings and labels to zero.

While it's sold out in many places, “Men by Roger" may still available in some book stores and Internet sites. It's been reported that 3,000 copies were published. There are no stories related to the images in this book; just ninety drawings, five of which in full color. The pages of this book are packed with hairy soldiers, sailors, construction workers, police officers, and cowboys.