Note: The new year began with a bunch of computer-related issues which is why VGMH has not been updated for the last two weeks.
It's reported that Jack Thomas became hooked with weight training, body building, health and fitness at an early age and was working out very seriously once puberty kicked in. Heralding from Maine, Jack was already a highly-trained athlete as a teenager. These professional photographs (collage below) in that slinky spaghetti strapped banana hammock he's wearing certainly kept the pics modest enough for legal reasons, considering the postal laws back then regarding male nudity.
Painting pouches on nude men was common back then, and above we get to enjoy both versions.

Later as an adult, he posed in the era of beefcake magazines (shown here is "Tomorrow's Man" with Jack on the cover). Typical articles might include "You can Have Chiseled Abdominals" and in the case of this issue"Growing Up Sexually"---Indeed.

The last images here are of Jack Thomas nude displaying all his natural male glory, and glorious his physique certainly is. What's refreshing is that these pictures remind a polarized world of how things should celebrating their masculinity for all to appreciate (other straight men, gay men, and women). The naked human form isn't the least bit indecent or obscene; it's beautiful. Thanks for sharing yours with us, Jack.